2013年6月4日 星期二

[Chiukeung creation] LEGO APPLE II

[Chiukeung creation] LEGO APPLE II

[Set review]: 76002 Superman: Metropolis Showdown

新版superman,110件, 2個 minifigs行價定價:$159

2011年7月22日 星期五

請支持chiukeung作品-10.功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda

NO. 10
參賽者姓名:Tsang Yiu Keung (CK / chiukeung )
作品名稱:功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda
作品製作時間:30 小時
顆粒數目:2000~ 3000粒

《功夫熊貓》絕對稱得上是一部經典的動畫電影。從200​8年上畫已大受歡迎,全球票房收入高達6億3千萬美元。​當中受歡迎元素定必是結合了功夫跟熊貓。兩個不相干的賣​點。 兩者同樣是中國特有的提材, 在我們中國人眼中定必增添幾分親切感。







朋友們, 我需要多"幾百票"支持,若最愛功夫熊貓及我作品,請你投票給10.號「功夫熊貓」,然後叫你既朋友投票給10.號「功夫熊貓」,再叫你朋友既朋友投票給 10.號「功夫熊貓」, 再叫你既朋友既朋友既朋友投票給10.號「功夫熊貓」............................ :lol 瘋狂暴走了...


1. 先按「讚」或「Like」成為為Milk Magazine專頁粉絲

2. 於『功夫熊貓』作品留言一欄中,以30字以內說明喜歡的原因 (一定要回覆哦, 打幾個字都可以.)
http://www.facebook.com/photo.ph ... 7268&type=1&theater

2010年10月3日 星期日

[Chiukeung Miniland 系列]-香港山頂纜車 (Peak Tram)

得悉有機會向國外朋友分享作品,我當然不想錯失了今次機會, 也是給小熊兄一種支持。

今次為大家分享的,是我第一次以Miniland比例來拼砌的山頂纜車(Peak Tram)。

大家須知道miniland比例的纜車尺碼是不講得笑的, 經過多次修改大小比例,最終尺碼大約為 60格長 x 18格闊 x 23格高.
兩組車盤可轉動,車門可分離(因時間關係未能隨意開合),車內暗藏LED燈條, 連接車底的電池盒子,只要開啓開關製便可以為照亮整個車廂.


<電池盒位於底部,由四條Technic pin來固定>

<由於大比例,所以車輪組件便不能使用原來火車的組件,要全由自己動手,每個纜車輪都由兩個2x2 dish加上3x3 technic dish組成>



<Miniland 人仔也是重點,這裡足足有15個(連車長,還有兩個未入鏡)。沒有了人仔的話,整輛纜車便少了一種完整性>


<最後參賽的外觀是這樣子,算是跟實物有幾分像, 不算失禮吧>

(唯一失望的是獎品,完全不似樂高公司以住的出手作風 <﹣﹣just kidding!! XD)

更多相片 - Brickshelf album: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=447220" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Chiukeung (蕉強)

2009年8月13日 星期四

LEGO User Group Bulk Order Program released[LUG社群訂購LEGO 散磚計劃出台]

LEGO User Group Bulk Order Program
Dear Community Leader,
The “LEGO User Group Bulk Order Program” (LUGBULK) will be offered to LEGO User Groups as a pilot/test program from August 2009 and possibly going into 2010. Due to new legislation in the USA, we will unfortunately not be able to offer the program to USA based LEGO User Groups until we implement some additional processes. We expect to open up the program to US LEGO User Groups at a later date.
This document explains to you how to get access to and use the program to order smaller amounts of LEGO bricks from the whole LEGO assortment directly at the LEGO Group.
Please notice again that this is a pilot project and it may be terminated on short notice at any time.
Who will be able to order?

LUGBULK will only be accessible for registered LUGs. A LUG need to meet the following requirements and submit the following information to the LEGO Community Team to become a registered LUG – the LEGO Community team will follow up on the requirements every time a LUG places an order:
• The LUG need to consist of minimum 10 members
• The LUG need to feature at least 2 public smaller or bigger displays each year
• The LUG need to exist for at least 1 year
• The LUG need to have an official website
• The LUG need to have at least a 1 page description of the LUG and the goals of the LUG on the website
• The LUG need to take part in possible surveys issued by the LEGO Group to the LUG
• The LUG is responsible for securing the needed written accept from their membership according to the local legislation to submit legally the following basic information about the LUG and the members to the LEGO Community Team:
-Number of members
-Name of members
-Address of members
-Email of member s
- LEGO ID of members if applicable

Only the personal data of the members who accept the terms can be submitted and also only these members count for the order amount.
The data will be used only by LEGO System A/S and its affiliated entities and never issued to 3rd parties.

Rules for LUGBULK:

- Only active elements (no restricted elements and no licensed elements) can be purchased
- The minimum order for one LUG is 2000 DKK
- The average amount per member to purchase is max. 200 DKK
- The minimum order qty per element is 50 pcs. and increase in 50 pcs. steps until 500 and from then in 100 piece steps (except building plates)
- The maximum amount of different elements per order is 100
- Every registered LUG can order 2 times a year
- The orders will be taken in between February and September each year – every LUG will get 2 dates
- The lead time per order which means from order is accepted until it is shipped can be up to 3 month
- It is not allowed to resell the bought elements – there will be a penalty for the LUG if a member is reselling the elements.
- The shipping costs and possible taxes/custom clearings are not included in the element price so they will get on top of the price.
- Only one single defined member of each LUG can place the order and will get the order shipped
- The order need to be submitted in an Excel file containing as much information about the elements as possible (Bricklink number or LEGO Brick ID (4 or 7 digit code)are preferred)

How is the process?

1. The head/founder of the LUG that wants to become a registered LUG to participate in the LUGBULK program contact Jan Beyer at Jan@LEGO.com and submit all above requested information and fulfills all needed requirements.
2. After Jan Beyer has checked that all requirements are fulfilled and how many of the members have submitted their data, the final max. amount for the purchase is defined.
3. One by the LUG defined member of the registered LUG will submit the wish list, the shipping address and his/her contact details to Jan Beyer – this person is now responsible for the order and the complete payment in the timeframe for this specific LUG
4. The wish list can containing max. 150 different elements in prioritized order and will be send in an excel file to Jan Beyer. Among these, up to 100 will be selected based on LUG priority and TLG availability
5. Jan Beyer will proceed the list.
6. Jan Beyer agrees with the contact person of the registered LUG the final order list of max. 100 different Elements – based on availability, element cost (not to exceed the average max. amount per member of 200 DKK) and the costs and amount per element.
7. After having an agreed list, the LEGO warehouse will check the list and determine an expected delivery date, which Jan Beyer will communicate to the LUG in question.
8. After that the LEGO Group will send an Invoice to the defined LUG member who is responsible for the order.
9. The order will not be shipped before the money is on the LEGO Company account (payment can be made in DKK/EUR/USD)
10. The order gets shipped to the LUG member who ordered.

2009年8月12日 星期三

La Tour Eiffel (2009 LEGO HK MOC 比賽 參賽作品)

2009年LEGOHK 再又一次舉辦拼砌比賽,今次是無限制的自由題,作品大小32x32尺寸之間任你發揮想像空間。

於是用了大量剛從DK legoland買回來的望遠鏡部件去拼出艾菲爾鐵塔出來。

廢話講了一大堆,此鐵塔(希望你還辨認得出吧)只用了二日去完成, 所以在我而言我已經好滿意啦。

更多的相片,請到chiukeung的brickshelf gallery:

作品名稱:La Tour Eiffel

艾菲爾鐵塔塔高324公尺,是居斯塔夫· 艾菲爾為1889年的萬國博覽會,


2009 LEGO MOC比賽結果於8月3日在動漫電玩節會場中公報,本作僥幸得到季軍,